Information is the foundation of all Engineering Projects
Information is essential to ensure engineering decisions can be made on a timely and effective basis. As operators and EPCs become more aware of the benefits of properly managing vendor data, so the demand for our Engineering Information Management (EIM) services grows.
Early engagement in a project to provide expert advice on the ‘Scope of Requirements’ will ensure greater cost and time saving and increase operational efficiencies to owner-operators.
Brownfield Projects
The prospect of undertaking a digital transformation project on a legacy asset in operation or even a construction project that is already in progress may seem daunting, but it is vital to future safe and efficient operations. Taking advantage of periods of shutdown and turnarounds provide a benchmark opportunity to take inefficient and often sporadic content and integrate it into newly gathered data that will deliver the optimum results.
Brownfield projects have commonly been subject to traditional, one dimensional and often disparate data collection and access processes, which is time consuming, generates risks and is error prone.
Collating, creating and updating data correctly overcomes the issue of rework, which is often undertaken by engineers, which causes delays to their primary objectives.
Having the comprehensive electronic data ensures that the right decisions can be made at the right time and also removes the inefficiencies in the handover process between Owner Operators and EPCs.
Greenfield Projects
In terms of engineering information handover, most Owner/Operators have experienced the same inadequate results on their major capital projects over the last 40 years. In fact, it is normal to spend between $4-$10 million on data handover for each project, with no guarantee that the information is complete, correct, consistent and connected. In many cases, extensive post-handover remediation takes place within the operational expenditure phase of a project, and this phase is often not.
This is why some of the world’s largest projects have adopted and now embrace proven best practice techniques in the field of content and information management. This ensures that engineering information is focused on justified requirements while helping to mitigate project risks, and also creates many benefits and cost efficiencies that will pay for the investment many times over.
Supplier Data Collection
Organisations involved in engineering projects often accept that they are not strong on managing the supplier information required by an operator. For most package engineers, delivery of handover information is of low priority, and they do not fully appreciate or understand the needs of an operator.
Organisations are often focused on document delivery from suppliers, however, some are starting to appreciate the benefits of content management support. From an operation and maintenance perspective, the most critical information is required as data and not as documents. In addition, the majority of critical information is provided by equipment suppliers rather than from an EPC’s design information. Hence, there continues to be a misalignment of needs between EPCs and operators.
The introduction of Information Management Software and Services allows a chosen EPC to remain focused on its core processes, competencies and priorities and on document centric working. Functioning in tandem with your EPCs, critical information delivery from suppliers moves toward a data centric approach; it becomes accelerated, and the burden on the package engineer is eased. Everyone accesses information early and, ideally, the suppliers get paid early – and so everyone wins. The only barriers to success are in trying to set up this regime too late in the process.
Whilst this may seem to be new, we can assure you this approach is tried and tested, and it becomes easier as we revisit the same suppliers. The ‘responsibility’ for delivery still remains with your EPCs; however, their efforts are supported by proven IM Software and services.
Engineering Solutions in Action
McDermott –
BP Tortue
Using Phusion’s innovative and intuitive applications, McDermott have formed a full data management solution, enabling the ability to manage the entire Subsea scope not only for one EPC, but two in parallel within the same environment.

SaaS Applications to support your Engineering projects
Manage, edit and compare asset database content and structures.
Visualise and find 1D, 2D
and 3D asset database content.
Create and view relationships between information and documents.
Collect, review and share engineering information through templates.