
Versatile mobile collection and inspection ​software


Onsite is a powerful mobile and web-based software for the collection and inspection of asset information, ulilising the latest mobile technology. It allows field operators and office teams to work seamlessly together to ensure that your information is up-to-date and accessible.

Correct and connected information increases operational effciency whilst reducing errors and costs. Onsite works stand-alone or can integrate with the full Phusion software suite and other leading software systems, so you know you’re in safe hands.

Based on configurable architecture, Onsite can be customised by its users to suit a wide range of different usage scenarios thanks to a straightforward question builder interface.

Benefits of Onsite


Reduce collection and inspection costs

Feed forward to pre load forms with known information, Reducing field operator collection time and minimising errors.


Reduced errors and operator time

Built in optimised workflows which reduces data entry time, errors and duplicates.


Fully customisable

Customisable Question Sets can be sent to field operators, with the data collected, instantly visible at the touch of a button.


Improve Productivity

Simple user experience enhances adoption and engagement with data.

Key Features

Routes and Work Packs


Build work packs of assets to assign to an individual device. You can use supporting plot plans and meta data to set pre-defined work packs of individual devices.

Configurable questions


Design your own questions for asset data collection, to meet your exact business requirements.

Asset Groups


A collection of assets can be structured in a hierarchical way to support effetive data collection and inspection.



Periodic routines can be scheduled for tracking collected data e.g. annual inspections.



Features out-of-the-box dashboards or custom reports can be created on an individual basis.

Onsite works seamlessly with the following software:


Our modular approach to Information Management software is fully customisable and allows you to pick and choose modules to suit your needs. Onsite is fully compatible with the following applications:


Manage, edit and compare asset database content and structures.


Generate precise and pre-validated tag numbers based on pre-defined rule sets.


Online tool for 1D/2D/3D visualising and searching asset database content.


Collect, review and share engineering information through templates.